I’ve been following the Ron Paul Revolution closely as it’s the only campaign this political season that is the least bit interesting. (Guiliani seems to be a gangster. Romney is a phony. McCain is lost. Huckabee’s campaign manager is Jesus. Clinton we know too well. Obama (wouldn’t it be cool to have a black guy as President?) might not be as good a candidate as his wife. Edwards (I live in one of the two Americas; guess which one). None of them turn me on. They are all boring and really only seem to believe in getting elected.
So, it’s not surprising to me that someone who seems to have real principles is gaining traction.
To follow the campaign of Dr. Paul is to be drawn into the world of Libertarianism which seems to range from the Ron Paul model (calm and reasoned) to the survivalist model (The survivalists suggest finding a “retreat” in N. Idaho or W. Montana with clear fields of fire, a natural spring or good well, stationing weapons, food, generators and other gear, planning a getaway to the retreat, etc. This guy explains why Western Washington, for example, sucks as a potential retreat).
With small towns in Norway being flattened by our criminal sub-prime mortgage scandal and formerly respected institutions like Washington Mutual
being implicated as complicit in the crime it’s seems time to have a detailed discussion of monetary policy. I would like to ask Congressman Paul how the free market would have prevented the mortgage mess, or as the blogs call it—”the big shit pile.”
Libertarians and Dr. Paul believe that the free market will solve and is the answer to every problem. This discussion gets a bit too esoteric for me. Libertarians are also supposed to hate government as a matter of course. I find it easy to dislike government but it takes a bit too much energy to hate it.
On the other hand these ideas of Dr. Paul are interesting and intriguing: bring the troops home, quit interfering militarily in other people’s affairs, quit printing money when you need it, try and get government out of everyone’s hair, let state’s decide more, stop the war on drugs, dump the IRS etc. etc. If you are interested you can read them on his web site. If you want to follow a sane discussion of the campaign and libertarian views you can check in on http://www.lewrockwell.com/blog/.
Ron Paul got lots of attention from independently organized money bomb last month. They are going to do another one on Dec. 16. More millions raised will at least get some of Paul’s ideas entered into the debate. Another independent group is trying to raise money for a Ron Paul blimp. Progressive and right wing blogs are both aghast at the interest and attention Dr. Paul is receiving and are pushing back hard. It’s all very entertaining.
Ron Paul for me is the most ideal to be a President. But some higher people is not letting that happen. So sad. SOB!
Posted by: Timothy | June 14, 2012 at 01:03 AM