This is the time of the year for wrapping up. So, here is a wrap up of some of the wrap ups. I am going to agree with Dana Stevens, Slate's TV writer who said that the big cultural event of the year is the blog:
“Now, at the end of 2004, it's just as likely I'll start my day online, checking in on the writers who are inventing a new literary genre all their own, somewhere between fiction, memoir, and personal essay. ... Everyone's talking about how to turn blogs into books, but I, for one, like them exactly as they are: The serialized format, the uncertainty about when the next post is coming, makes for the equivalent of novelistic suspense. If I have only 15 minutes a day for my own pleasure reading, I'll take to bed, not with a book, but with a Wi-Fi laptop. The only problem with blogs as pleasure reading: You can't take them into the bathtub.” Read Slate's The Year in Culture.
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